If it is up to the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment, employment agencies will also be responsible for the proper registration of migrant workers in the Dutch Personal Records Database (BRP). Currently, migrant workers are responsible for their own registration, with the result that many migrant workers are not registered correctly.
Labour migrants who want to stay in the Netherlands for more than four months must register as residents in the municipality where they will be living within five days of their arrival. For shorter stays, they can register at a Non-Resident Registration (RNI) desk. Migrant workers are regularly incorrectly listed as non-residents in the BRP. This means that municipalities and other organisations do not have a clear picture of where migrant workers are staying.
Migrant workers themselves remain responsible for correct registration in the BRP. What is changing is that employers who hire migrant workers are obliged to support the migrant worker in registering in the BRP at the start of an employment contract. This can be done by providing the correct information in the language of the migrant worker. The employment agency must then verify that the migrant worker is actually registered.
These measures will become part of the Placement of Personnel by Intermediaries Act (Waadi). The rule applies to all employers who send migrant workers.
The government is also working on raising awareness among migrant workers. For example, they are working on communicating by email to make migrant workers aware of the importance of correct registration. In addition, migrant workers can contact regional physical and mobile WorkinNL information points with questions about registration in the BRP. These WorkinNL points are being rolled out across the country and services are provided in several languages.
Als door een fout van het UWV ten onrechte geen loonbelasting wordt ingehouden op een uitkering, hoeft de uitkeringsgerechtigde hiervoor niet automatisch op te draaien. Daarbij is wel van belang dat de uitkeringsgerechtigde te goeder trouw was.
Lees verderAls u werkt voor uw eigen bv, moet u zichzelf een gebruikelijk loon toekennen. Het normbedrag voor dit gebruikelijk loon bedraagt in 2025 € 56.000. Het gebruikelijk loon kan ook hoger zijn en onder omstandigheden is ook een lager gebruikelijk loon mogelijk. Wanneer is dit laatste het geval en hoe toont u dit aan?
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